Labels:book | crt screen | poster | reckoner | sky | trade name OCR: References Apple. "Inside Macintosh Vol ume Appl Inside Macintosh Vol ume Cherni coff Stephen "Macintosh Revealed, Vol ume One : Unlocking the Toolbox, Second Edi t.i on 4 Knaster Scott "Macintosh Progr amming Secrets Little Gary, and Swihart, Tim. "progr amming for Syst Mark Dave and Reed, Cartwri ght "Macintosh Programm ing Pri me 7 Ma Dave "Macintosh Programming Primer, Vol ume II 8 Ma tthi es Kurt W.G., and Hogan. Thom "Maci ntosh Progr ammi ng by Example Medni eks Zi gurd and Schi .lke Terry M. C Progr amming Techni ques for the Macintosh. Chern ocking tion System